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The best way to find a practice in a specific location. Period.

PracticeAlert has a proven track record of success.



Experience helping Physicians and Advanced Practitioners


Recruiting Firms

Only hear from in-house recruiters in your preferred locations

What is PracticeAlert?

PracticeAlert is a free service that helps providers identify practices in specific geographic areas:

  • Step 1: Create a Profile.
  • Step 2: Specify Geographic Preferences (Cities, States, or Regions).
  • Step 3: Profile is sent to hospitals and medical groups in your geographic preferences.
  • Step 4: Hospitals and medical groups contact you about their open practices.

Don't have time to register? E-mail your CV to and tell us your geographic preferences. Specify cities, states or regions. Our team will do the rest of the work.

Looking for a provider to join your group? Start receiving profiles today: (866) 772-2590

Why PracticeAlert?

  • PracticeAlert puts You in Control - There are too many great practices that you don't know about.
  • 90% of Practices are Never Posted Online - Hospitals and medical groups simply cannot afford to post most of their open practices.
  • 5,574 Hospitals and 108,638 Groups - There are too many hospitals and groups to contact on your own.
  • No Recruiting Firms - Only hear from in-house recruiters and administrators at hospitals and medical groups.
  • Find Practices in Any Specialty - You can choose any specialty when you create your profile.
  • Confidential Search (Optional) - The minimum requirements are an e-mail, specialty, and geographic preferences.

Physician Job Hunting Tips

PracticeAlert is committed to helping physicians and advance practitioners find the practices that they are looking for. We have a job hunting tips section to provide you with the tools you need to find the right practice.

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